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Masuzawa T 2000 State of the Art of Micromachining Cirp Ann Manuf Technol 49473ã¢â“488

Abstract Views :68  |  PDF Views:0


ane Micro Systems Technology Laboratory, CSIR-Cardinal Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, Durgapur, IN


Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol xiii, No xi (2014), Pagination: iii-9


Bacteria resistant films and coatings being used today are highly toxic to the man trunk. Micro-nano patterns deliberately created over solid surfaces that counter microbial activity is an emerging technology in preventing hospital acquired infections (HAI), to provide personalized healthcare. This paper is focused on defining the optimized surface topologies and micro-nano patterning over solid surfaces. Preliminary studies on designing surface topologies and micro-nano patterning has been carried out. The feasibility of adopting nano-scratching, micro-milling, micro-EDM and laser machining for direct patterning over amorphous bulk metallic glass (BMG) and PDMS is investigated. Effect of pattern geometry on bacterial physiology and opportunities for integrating these mechanical based micro-nano manufacturing protocols are discussed.


Surfaces, Micro-Nano Patterning, Bulk Metal Glass (BMG).

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Abstract Views :101  |  PDF Views:0


ane School of Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Science and Technology, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, IN
2 Fundamental Manufacturing Engineering science Institute, Bangalore, IN
iii Production Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, IN


Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 18, No 1 (2019), Pagination: 3-9


In Selective Laser Sintering metal pulverisation particles are consolidated layer-past-layer through laser heating. In recent years, procedure has been improved that addressed the defects such as porosity, micro-cracks etc., resulting its wider applications in industries. However, there is a promising opportunity exists to use this process in micro manufacturing, which has non been exploited to a great extent. In this piece of work, an attempt has been fabricated to understand the porosity defects formed in micro-selective light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation sintering (Micro-Sintering) of copper powder. Molecular Dynamics based simulation study performed for the Micro-Sintering of nano-calibration powders has shown insight into the mechanism of neck growth formation and resulting porosity on their joining with next particles. The other defects such as cracks formation, balling effects, presence of balance binders contributing to porosity and micro-cracks observed during experimental written report on Micro-Sintering of 5μm copper pulverisation has also been discussed.


Selective Laser Sintering, Copper, Defects, Porosity, Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

Full Text


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1 CSIR-Central Mechanical Engineering Enquiry Institute, Durgapur, IN
two Fundamental Manufacturing Technology Constitute, Tumkur Road, Bengaluru, IN


Manufacturing Engineering Today, Vol 18, No 7 (2019), Pagination: iii-viii


In the phase of Industry 4.0 (I.4) technology, miniaturization has paved the foundation of the smart manufacturing sector and the micromachining processes can be considered as the forepart end of the I.4 technologies. Micro-Electrical Discharge Machining (Micro-EDM) has been considered the virtually promising micromachining engineering for fabrication of microfeatures irrespective to difficult and temperature resistive materials. The process characteristics in Micro-EDM is very stochastic in nature, and understanding the proper process characteristics with digitization of data to predict the process for improved capabilities is highly required in this era of Industry 4.0 revolution. The spark discharge between the anode and cathode is envisaged to exist very small gap (~10μm) and also an essential parameter for machining operation, but measurement of spark gap of Micro-EDM in realtime is a great challenge. This nowadays work is based on measurement of spark gap with a novel sensing technique based on Cobweb Bragg Grating (FBG).


Micro-EDM, Spark Gap Measurement, FBG Sensor.

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1 CSIR- Fundamental Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur, Due west Bengal, IN
2 University of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR) Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi, IN
3 Cardinal Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Bengaluru, Karnataka, IN


Manufacturing Technology Today, Vol 18, No 12 (2019), Pagination: three-eleven


Micro-EDM is a promising noncontact micro machining process; where the precisely controlled electric spark occurred between the tiny electrodes and erodes the material from electrically conductive work piece. Awarding of this Micro EDM is rapidly growing in manufacturing of metal products irrespective of its hardness having geometric features in range of micrometer to nanometer calibration. In guild to ensure the material removal in the order of few cubic micrometers information technology is desirable to utilise a low free energy, shorter pulsed discharges at very high frequency. In this study, the detailed literature review related to depression energy and brusque pulsed ability circuits to use in Micro-EDM process weather has been carried out. The advantages and issues of obtaining such high frequency curt pulsed low free energy discharge accept been critically studied to set the future directions for further investigation.


Micro EDM, Pulse Generator, RC Relaxation Circuit, Transistor Type Pulse Generator.

Full Text


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